God our creator who goes before us
You draw us forward in faith
Like a pillar of fire across deserts
A rock of assurance
As we journey
Speak to us with your words of comfort and wisdom.
Song “The Lords my shepherd” https://youtu.be/pN4tPkX0MG0?feature=shared
God of love and forgiveness
Save us by your tenderness
From each deed that is destructive
From each act that grieves you
From each thought that is careless
From each idea that is unloving
From each word that hurts.
Help us to face up to your call on our lives, by creating love and
goodness, community, society where it has been broken. In Jesus Name Amen.
We say the Lords Prayer in our own language
Reflection on Luke 9:28-36
It is rare to do more than catch a glimpse of God.
Peter's confession at Caesarea Philippi, along with Jesus' first prediction of his death and resurrection and teaching on cross-bearing discipleship is followed some eight days later by Jesus' transfiguration. Two Old Testament themes are used to draw out the significance of the transfiguration:
i) The Son of man in Daniel (shining face, sleep, Elijah. Dan.10:8f);
ii) God appearing to Moses on Mount Sinai (shining face, booths, cloud, and the presence of Moses. Ex.13:20f).
It was difficult even then to pray in the middle of the city so they went to a quieter place. As Jesus was prayin, (prayer leads to transformation!), there was a bright light like a flash of lightening, a dazzling white. Moses encountered God after 40 days of fasting and praying and his face shone. The white robes remind us of the white robes of the martyrs in the Book of Revelation and of angels. (There were also two men as at Jesus' resurrection). The arrival of Moses and Elijah, tells us that Jesus is Christ the fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets.
The disciples were very sleepy. They woke up to share in the experience. We find the connection with this half-waking sleeping state and visions. As the shiny men were leaving, Peter wanted to preserve the moment with the building of three shelters or booths (like the feast of Tabernacles). It is good for us that we are here he says. The shelters, tents, tabernacles add to the Exodus theme. But he did not know what he was saying. Peter's fear led to his desire to preserve the glory of the moment rather than allow the journey to continue. How often do we do this! Peters words hastened the end of the experience and a cloud enveloped them like the cloud covering the tabernacle in Exodus and they were afraid as they entered it. The words are heard “This is my Son- whom I have chosen, listen to him”, also the words at Jesus' baptism. Suddenly Jesus was alone. They are pointed to the experience of the cross, and suffering which is the traditional lot of prophets. The journey to Jerusalem continues, amid its dust and chaos and the disciples kept this to themselves.
There are those who tell me that they can see auras around people which tell you about them, their spiritual disposition, their state of health. Some painters would depict people especially holy people with such auras (El Greco for example). Jesus received such an input of Gods energy that he shone.
It may be that some of us are lucky enough to have such a mountain experience and it will show in our faces. What is certain is that it will pass. They had gone away to pray. Prayer does not guarantee such an experience although strange things may happen to us on the way to prayer. We may be transformed! And this will encourage us on our journey. We need to pray. We need to be transformed. Amen
It is rare to do more than catch a glimpse of God.
Peter's confession at Caesarea Philippi, along with Jesus' first prediction of his death and resurrection and teaching on cross-bearing discipleship is followed some eight days later by Jesus' transfiguration. Two Old Testament themes are used to draw out the significance of the transfiguration:
i) The Son of man in Daniel (shining face, sleep, Elijah. Dan.10:8f);
ii) God appearing to Moses on Mount Sinai (shining face, booths, cloud, and the presence of Moses. Ex.13:20f).
It was difficult even then to pray in the middle of the city so they went to a quieter place. As Jesus was prayin, (prayer leads to transformation!), there was a bright light like a flash of lightening, a dazzling white. Moses encountered God after 40 days of fasting and praying and his face shone. The white robes remind us of the white robes of the martyrs in the Book of Revelation and of angels. (There were also two men as at Jesus' resurrection). The arrival of Moses and Elijah, tells us that Jesus is Christ the fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets.
The disciples were very sleepy. They woke up to share in the experience. We find the connection with this half-waking sleeping state and visions. As the shiny men were leaving, Peter wanted to preserve the moment with the building of three shelters or booths (like the feast of Tabernacles). It is good for us that we are here he says. The shelters, tents, tabernacles add to the Exodus theme. But he did not know what he was saying. Peter's fear led to his desire to preserve the glory of the moment rather than allow the journey to continue. How often do we do this! Peters words hastened the end of the experience and a cloud enveloped them like the cloud covering the tabernacle in Exodus and they were afraid as they entered it. The words are heard “This is my Son- whom I have chosen, listen to him”, also the words at Jesus' baptism. Suddenly Jesus was alone. They are pointed to the experience of the cross, and suffering which is the traditional lot of prophets. The journey to Jerusalem continues, amid its dust and chaos and the disciples kept this to themselves.
There are those who tell me that they can see auras around people which tell you about them, their spiritual disposition, their state of health. Some painters would depict people especially holy people with such auras (El Greco for example). Jesus received such an input of Gods energy that he shone.
It may be that some of us are lucky enough to have such a mountain experience and it will show in our faces. What is certain is that it will pass. They had gone away to pray. Prayer does not guarantee such an experience although strange things may happen to us on the way to prayer. We may be transformed! And this will encourage us on our journey. We need to pray. We need to be transformed. Amen
Our prayers for our world, our communities and our families.
Song “I the Lord of sea and sky” https://youtu.be/uZTQF_9D3-Y?feature=shared
Loving God help us to follow you
Into a place of quietness,
Where we may face beasts and wilderness
But we will know the presence of angels
Even in the desert times. Amen.
歌曲“主我的牧羊人” https://youtu.be/pN4tPkX0MG0?feature=shared
反思路加福音 9:28-36
i) 但以理书中的人子(发光的脸、睡觉、以利亚。但以理书 10:8f);
ii) 上帝在西奈山向摩西显现(发光的脸、棚屋、云彩和摩西的存在。出埃及记13:20f)。
即使在那时,在市中心祈祷也很困难,所以他们去了一个更安静的地方。当耶稣祈祷时(祈祷带来转变!),有一道明亮的光像闪电一样,耀眼的白色。摩西在禁食和祈祷 40 天后遇见了上帝,他的脸上闪着光芒。白色的长袍让我们想起了《启示录》中殉道者和天使的白色长袍。(耶稣复活时也有两个人)。摩西和以利亚的到来告诉我们,耶稣是基督,是律法和先知的实现。
歌曲“我是海洋和天空之主” https://youtu.be/uZTQF_9D3-Y?feature=shared
Deus, nosso criador, que vai à nossa frente
Você nos atrai para a frente na fé
Como uma coluna de fogo através dos desertos
Uma rocha de segurança
Enquanto viajamos
Fale conosco com suas palavras de conforto e sabedoria.
Música “The Lords my shepherd” https://youtu.be/pN4tPkX0MG0?feature=shared
Deus de amor e perdão Salve-nos com sua ternura De cada ação destrutiva
De cada ato que o entristece
De cada pensamento descuidado
De cada ideia desamorosa
De cada palavra que machuca.
Ajude-nos a enfrentar seu chamado em nossas vidas, criando amor e bondade, comunidade, sociedade onde foi quebrado. Em nome de Jesus, amém.
Dizemos a Oração do Senhor em nossa própria língua
Reflexão sobre Lucas 9:28-36
É raro fazer mais do que ter um vislumbre de Deus.
A confissão de Pedro em Cesareia de Filipe, junto com a primeira predição de Jesus sobre sua morte e ressurreição e o ensino sobre o discipulado de carregar a cruz, é seguida cerca de oito dias depois pela transfiguração de Jesus. Dois temas do Antigo Testamento são usados para extrair o significado da transfiguração:
i) O Filho do homem em Daniel (rosto brilhante, sono, Elias. Dan.10:8f);
ii) Deus aparecendo a Moisés no Monte Sinai (rosto brilhante, cabines, nuvem e a presença de Moisés. Ex.13:20f).
Já era difícil orar no meio da cidade, então eles foram para um lugar mais silencioso. Enquanto Jesus estava orando (a oração leva à transformação!), havia uma luz brilhante como um relâmpago, um branco deslumbrante. Moisés encontrou Deus após 40 dias de jejum e oração e seu rosto brilhou. As vestes brancas nos lembram das vestes brancas dos mártires no Livro do Apocalipse e dos anjos. (Havia também dois homens como na ressurreição de Jesus). A chegada de Moisés e Elias nos diz que Jesus é Cristo, o cumprimento da Lei e dos Profetas.
Os discípulos estavam com muito sono. Eles acordaram para compartilhar a experiência. Encontramos a conexão com esse estado de sono meio acordado e visões. Enquanto os homens brilhantes estavam saindo, Pedro queria preservar o momento com a construção de três abrigos ou barracas (como a festa dos Tabernáculos). É bom para nós estarmos aqui, ele diz. Os abrigos, tendas, tabernáculos acrescentam ao tema do Êxodo. Mas ele não sabia o que estava dizendo. O medo de Pedro levou ao seu desejo de preservar a glória do momento em vez de permitir que a jornada continuasse. Quantas vezes fazemos isso! As palavras de Pedro apressaram o fim da experiência e uma nuvem os envolveu como a nuvem que cobria o tabernáculo no Êxodo e eles ficaram com medo quando entraram. As palavras são ouvidas "Este é meu Filho, a quem escolhi, ouçam-no", também as palavras no batismo de Jesus. De repente, Jesus estava sozinho. Eles são apontados para a experiência da cruz e do sofrimento que é o destino tradicional dos profetas. A jornada para Jerusalém continua, em meio à poeira e ao caos, e os discípulos guardaram isso para si mesmos.
Há aqueles que me dizem que podem ver auras ao redor das pessoas que falam sobre elas, sua disposição espiritual, seu estado de saúde. Alguns pintores retratavam pessoas, especialmente pessoas santas, com tais auras (El Greco, por exemplo). Jesus recebeu tal entrada da energia de Deus que ele brilhou.
Pode ser que alguns de nós tenham a sorte de ter uma experiência de montanha e isso aparecerá em nossos rostos. O que é certo é que isso passará. Eles tinham ido embora para orar. A oração não garante tal experiência, embora coisas estranhas possam acontecer conosco no caminho para a oração. Podemos ser transformados! E isso nos encorajará em nossa jornada. Precisamos orar. Precisamos ser transformados. Amém
Nossas orações por nosso mundo, nossas comunidades e nossas famílias.
Canção “Eu, o Senhor do mar e do céu” https://youtu.be/uZTQF_9D3-Y?feature=shared
Deus amoroso, ajude-nos a segui-lo
Para um lugar de tranquilidade,
Onde podemos enfrentar feras e deserto
Mas conheceremos a presença dos anjos
Mesmo nos tempos de deserto. Amém.
خداوند خالق ما که پیش از ما می رود
تو ما را با ایمان به جلو می کشی
مانند ستونی از آتش در سراسر بیابان ها
سنگ اطمینان
همانطور که ما سفر می کنیم
با کلمات راحت و حکیمانه خود با ما صحبت کنید.
آهنگ "The Lords My Shepherd" https://youtu.be/pN4tPkX0MG0?feature=shared
خدای مهر و بخشش ما را با مهربانی خود از هر عملی که ویرانگر است نجات بده
از هر عملی که شما را غمگین می کند
از هر فکری که بی خیال است
از هر ایده ای که بی عشق است
از هر کلمه ای که آزار دهنده است.
با ایجاد عشق و خوبی، جامعه، جامعه ای که در آن شکسته شده است، به ما کمک کنید تا با دعوت شما به زندگی خود روبرو شویم. به نام عیسی آمین.
ما دعای لرد را به زبان خودمان می خوانیم
تأمل در لوقا 9: 28-36
به ندرت می توان بیش از نگاهی اجمالی به خدا انجام داد.
اعتراف پطرس در قیصریه فیلیپی، همراه با اولین پیشگویی عیسی در مورد مرگ و رستاخیز و آموزش شاگردی متقابل، حدود هشت روز بعد با تغییر شکل عیسی دنبال شد. دو موضوع عهد عتیق برای نشان دادن اهمیت تغییر شکل استفاده می شود:
ط) پسر انسان در دانیال (روی درخشان، خواب، ایلیا. Dan.10:8f);
ii) ظاهر شدن خداوند به موسی در کوه سینا (روی درخشان، غرفه ها، ابر و حضور موسی. مثال 13:20f).
حتی در آن زمان نماز خواندن در وسط شهر سخت بود، بنابراین آنها به یک مکان خلوت تر رفتند. همانطور که عیسی در حال دعا بود، (دعا منجر به دگرگونی می شود!)، نور درخشانی مانند برق نورانی، سفید خیره کننده وجود داشت. موسی پس از 40 روز روزه و نماز با خدا ملاقات کرد و چهره اش درخشید. جامه های سفید ما را به یاد لباس سفید شهدا در کتاب وحی و فرشتگان می اندازد. (در هنگام قیام عیسی نیز دو مرد بودند). ورود موسی و الیاس به ما می گوید که عیسی مسیح است که شریعت و انبیا را به انجام رسانده است.
شاگردان بسیار خواب آلود بودند. آنها بیدار شدند تا در این تجربه شریک شوند. ما با این حالت خواب نیمه بیداری و بینایی ارتباط پیدا می کنیم. در حالی که مردان براق در حال رفتن بودند، پیتر می خواست با ساختن سه پناهگاه یا غرفه (مانند جشن خیمه ها) لحظه را حفظ کند. او می گوید برای ما خوب است که اینجا هستیم. پناهگاه ها، چادرها، خیمه ها به موضوع Exodus می افزایند. اما او نمی دانست چه می گوید. ترس پیتر منجر به تمایل او به حفظ شکوه لحظه به جای اجازه دادن به ادامه سفر شد. چند بار این کار را انجام می دهیم! کلمات پیترز پایان تجربه را تسریع کردند و ابری مانند ابری که خیمه را در Exodus پوشانده بود آنها را در بر گرفت و هنگام ورود به آن ترسیدند. سخنان "این پسر من است - که من برگزیده ام، به او گوش دهید" شنیده می شود، همچنین کلمات در هنگام غسل تعمید عیسی. ناگهان عیسی تنها شد. آنها به تجربه صلیب و رنجی که قرعه سنتی پیامبران است اشاره می کنند. سفر به اورشلیم در میان گرد و غبار و هرج و مرج آن ادامه دارد و شاگردان این را برای خود نگه داشتند.
کسانی هستند که به من می گویند که می توانند هاله هایی را در اطراف مردم ببینند که به شما درباره آنها، روحیات روحی و وضعیت سلامتی آنها می گوید. برخی از نقاشان افراد به ویژه افراد مقدس را با چنین هاله ای به تصویر می کشند (به عنوان مثال ال گرکو). عیسی چنان انرژی خدا را دریافت کرد که درخشید.
ممکن است برخی از ما به اندازه کافی خوش شانس باشیم که چنین تجربه کوهستانی داشته باشیم و در چهره ما نمایان شود. آنچه مسلم است این است که می گذرد. رفته بودند نماز بخوانند. دعا تضمین کننده چنین تجربه ای نیست، اگرچه ممکن است در راه نماز اتفاقات عجیبی برای ما بیفتد. ممکن است متحول شویم! و این ما را در سفر تشویق می کند. باید دعا کنیم ما باید متحول شویم. آمین
دعای ما برای دنیایمان، جوامع و خانواده هایمان.
آهنگ "من پروردگار دریا و آسمان" https://youtu.be/uZTQF_9D3-Y?feature=shared
با محبت خدا به ما کمک کن تا از تو پیروی کنیم
به یک مکان خلوت،
جایی که ممکن است با جانوران و بیابان روبرو شویم
اما حضور فرشتگان را خواهیم شناخت
حتی در زمان کویر. آمین