To bear the fruits of the Spirit
To respond to the call of Christ
By announcing the good news, the gospel of peace
Song “Siyahamba”
We say the Lords Prayer in our own language
Psalm 27
The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?
to devour me,
it is my enemies and my foes
who will stumble and fall.
3 Though an army besiege me,
my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
even then I will be confident.
We pray for people and situations that are on our hearts today...For peace negotiations, in Gaza, the West Bank, Ukraine, Russia, Lebanon, Sudan, Israel, DRC, Yemen, Canada, Mexico, Greenland, Panama. For the over a million refugees worldwide, for people who are homeless, hungry, persecuted, for those who fight for the earth and for justice for its people. May we not fail you though we face great dangers. Give us your peace, wisdom and strength. Amen
The cross we will take it
The love we will give it
The blessing we will share it
Pat Nimmo © Janet Morley, Iona Community adapted
主係我生命嘅堡壘 — —
2 當惡人攻擊我嘅時候
3 雖然有軍隊包圍我,
à porter les fruits de l'Esprit
à répondre à l'appel du Christ
en annonçant la bonne nouvelle, l'évangile de la paix
de qui aurais-je peur ?
L'Éternel est la forteresse de ma vie :
de qui aurais-je peur ?
2 Quand les méchants s'avancent contre moi
pour me dévorer,
ce sont mes ennemis et mes adversaires
qui trébucheront et tomberont.
3 Si une armée m'assiège,
mon cœur n'aura pas peur ;
si la guerre éclate contre moi,
même alors j'aurai confiance.
L'amour, nous la donnerons
La bénédiction, nous la partagerons