In the corncrakes rasp and the skylark’s song
In the many stars of the winter sky
In the squelch of a muddy walk
God is at the centre
Song “Peace to you”
Psalm 78
23 Yet He commanded the clouds above
And opened the doors of heaven;
24 He rained down manna upon them to eat,
And gave them food from heaven.
25 We ate the bread of angels;
God sent them food in abundance.
We say the Lord’s Prayer in our own language
We pray for people and situations that are on our hearts today...For peace in Gaza, the West Bank, Ukraine. Russia, Lebanon, Sudan, US, Israel, DRC, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Eritrea, Ethiopia. For the over a million refugees worldwide, for people who are homeless, hungry, persecuted, for those who fight for the earth and for justice for its people, May we not fail you though we face great dangers. Give us your peace, wisdom and strength. Amen
May the earth bless you
The rain fall on you
And the sun shine on your back. Amen