Rise within me like the star
And make me restless
Till I journey on
To seek my peace in you
Song “Christ in hearts” https://youtu.be/zBnCjDcDMKo?feature=shared
A candle is lit.
I light a candle for light, sending
prayers high into the inky heavens and
dreams deep into our human soul.
We light a candle for light. May it light our way.
The Lord’s Prayer in our own language
Psalm 74
7 They have ]burned Your sanctuary to the ground;
They have defiled the dwelling place of Your name.
8 They said in their heart, “Let’s completely subdue them.”
They have burned all the meeting places of God in the land.
9 We do not see our signs;
There is no longer any prophet,
Nor is there anyone among us who knows how long.
10 How long, God, will the enemy taunt You?
Shall the enemy treat Your name disrespectfully forever?
We pray for people and situations that are on our hearts today...For the peace process in Gaza, for Ukraine. For Russia, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Sudan. For the over a million refugees worldwide, For people who are homeless, hungry, persecuted, For those who fight for the earth and for justice for its people, May we not fail you though we face great dangers. Give us your peace, wisdom and strength. Amen
When the star in the sky has gone
And the wise men have gone back to their homes
The real work of Christmas begins
To find the lost, heal the broken, feed the hungry and release the prisoner. Amen
With thanks to © Janet Morley adapted
E me deixe inquieto
Até que eu continue a jornada
Para buscar minha paz em você
orações para o alto dos céus escuros e
sonhos profundos em nossa alma humana.
Eles contaminaram a morada do seu nome.
8 Eles disseram em seu coração: "Vamos subjugá-los completamente."
Eles queimaram todos os locais de encontro de Deus na terra.
9 Não vemos nossos sinais;
Não há mais nenhum profeta,
Nem há ninguém entre nós que saiba por quanto tempo.
10 Até quando, Deus, o inimigo zombará de Ti?
O inimigo tratará Teu nome desrespeitosamente para sempre?
E os sábios voltarem para suas casas
O verdadeiro trabalho do Natal começa
Para encontrar os perdidos, curar os quebrados, alimentar os famintos e libertar os prisioneiros. Amém
و بی قرارم کن
تا زمانی که من سفر کنم
تا آرامشم را در تو جستجو کنم
مناجات به آسمان های مرکب و
رویاهای عمیق در روح انسانی ما.
آنها مسکن نام تو را نجس کرده اند.
۸ در دل خود گفتند: «بیایید آنها را کاملاً تحت سلطه خود در آوریم.»
آنها تمام مکانهای ملاقات خدا را در زمین سوزانده اند.
9 ما نشانههای خود را نمیبینیم.
دیگر پیامبری وجود ندارد
در میان ما کسی نیست که بداند تا کی.
10 خدایا تا کی دشمن تو را مسخره میکند؟
آیا دشمن برای همیشه به نام تو بی احترامی می کند؟
و خردمندان به خانه های خود بازگشته اند
کار واقعی کریسمس آغاز می شود
برای یافتن گمشده، شکسته ها را شفا دهید، به گرسنگان غذا دهید و زندانی را آزاد کنید. آمین