Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Prayers March 13th 2024, Lent, 2024

God our creator who goes before us

You draw us forward in faith

Like a pillar of fire across desert wastes

A rock of assurance

As we journey 

Speak to us with your words of comfort and wisdom.


Song ” Brother sister let me serve you”



God of love and forgiveness

Save us by your tenderness

From each deed that is destructive

From each act that grieves you

From each thought that is careless

From each idea that is unloving

From each word that hurts.

Help us to face up to your call on our lives, by creating love and 

goodness, community, society where it has been broken. In Jesus Name, Amen.


We say the Lords Prayer in our own language


Lamentations 3v33-36


 For He does not afflict willingly
Or grieve humankind.
34 To crush under one
All the prisoners of the land,
35 To deprive a person of justice
In the presence of the Most High,
36 To defraud someone in their lawsuit—
Of these things the Lord does not approve.


We pray for the negotiations for peace in Gaza, for Israel, for peace in Ukraine, for Russia, for work to halt climate change, for the 100 million people who are displaced wandering around the globe looking for a new home and grieving the loss of their homeland, for the homeless, the hungry, the distressed.  May God’s hand be upon us in these difficult times, your angels protect us and the Holy Spirit work in and around us. Amen 


Song “Come with me, come wander” 



Loving God help us to follow you

Into a place of quietness,

Where we may face beasts and wilderness

But we will know the presence of angels 

Even in the desert times. Amen. 



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