Loving God
Bring healing to our bones
Bring life and redemption
to us, the earth and its peoples
Remind us your resurrection power
Song “Behold the Lamb”
We confess O Lord
That we live with the demonic powers of violence
That we grow rich by daily oppression of the poor
That we sleep in the white sheets of racism
That we prostitute our science and knowledge in the cause of war
That we have made this planet perilous for our children
That we have lost the spirit of peace in our restless disordered lives
That the times we live in are evil
That we have turned away from the face of Christ
And the things which belong to Peace (Iona Prayer)
We say the Lords Prayer in our own language
Psalm 60
You shook earth to the foundations,
ripped open huge crevasses.
Heal the breaks! Everything’s
coming apart at the seams.
We pray for Israelis and Palestinians, for Ukrainians and Russians, For Syria, for Ethiopia, for Kosova and Serbia and all places where there is war. We pray for peace makers and humanitarian corridors, for the children and the terrified and for people of good will to work together to change the world. …Spirit of the Living God present with us now enter our bodies, minds and spirits and heal us of all that harms us. Let your angels be beside us at this time. Amen
Song “Little things”
Bless to us
The sun and moon that are above us
The earth that is beneath us
Friends and family around us
Your image within us
And the day/night that is before us. Amen.
With thanks to © Iona Community