Come Holy Child
Stir in the womb of our complacency
Shepherd us
Whisper through our lives
Be born in us today
Song “A voice cries out”
Forgive us
When we choose the wrong way
Restore us
Help us to have compassion for ourselves and others
To create a world that is good and just
And to carry your dream within us
The Lord’s Prayer in our own language
Reading Isaiah 11
Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch from his roots will bear fruit.
2 The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him,
The spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The spirit of counsel and strength,
The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
We pray for people and situations that are on our hearts today ongoing lockdown, those in schools and hospitals, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Eritrea, Palestine, Israel, our governments, Rohinga Muslims, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, for people on low or no incomes, for those who are alone and those suffering with depression, protection for asylum seekers and refugees and ensuring that food is reaching the vulnerable…and global warming.
May we not fail you though we face great dangers.
Give us your peace, your wisdom and your strength. Amen
Song “The Lord is my salvation”
In our watching and in our waiting
Come Lord Jesus
In our hopes and our fears
Come Lord Jesus
In our homes and in our world
Come Lord Jesus
Come Lord Jesus, when least expected.