God our creator who goes before us
You draw us forward in faith
Like a pillar of fire across deserts
A rock of assurance
As we journey
Speak to us with your words of comfort and wisdom.
We say Lords Prayer in our own language
Matthew 6v16-18
16 “Now whenever you fast, do not make a gloomy face as the hypocrites do, for they distort their faces so that they will be noticed by people when they are fasting. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 17 But as for you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18 so that your fasting will not be noticed by people but by your God who is in secret; and your God who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
Song “Who can sound the depths of sorrow”
We pray for the people of Ukraine, and the Russians to stop killing Ukrainians, for Hong Kong, for Taiwan, for Syrians, for Yemenis, for Palestinians, for Rohingas, for Uighurs; For those suffering from flooding, drought earthquakes, and cyclones due to climate change, for the millions of refugees, for homeless people, for those who are hungry, thirsty or in prison, for the terrified and deranged; and for the government to do the best for its people and not the worst; for our children, grandchildren and a better future for us all.
May God’s hand be upon us in these difficult times, your angels protect us and the Holy Spirit work in and around us. Amen
Loving God help us to follow you
Into a place of quietness,
Where we may face beasts and wilderness
But we will know the presence of angels
Even in the desert times. Amen.