The world belongs to God
The earth and all its people
How good and lovely it is
To live together in unity
Love and faith come together
Justice and peace join hands
“Compassion hymn”
Let us in silence remember our faults and failings
Christ have mercy on us, and deliver us from our sins and may we amend our lives
The Lords Prayer in our own language
Reading Mark 10v2-16
This story relates how Jesus was bringing outsiders to the centre, in this case women and children.
The law on divorce was about the men who at that time could divorce women on a whim. It was a hot potato issue decided on by the rabbis. In contrast Jesus is breaking with the patriarchy of the day and elevating the marriage to as of one flesh. The word to separate replaces the word for divorce. He does not sanction remarriage. This is hard for us to get our head round as we are in a very different social context. The emphasis however is on the woman’s right to also leave, to separate. It recognises the pain of the separation of the one flesh, which many of us have experienced. Jesus has equalised the situation. The woman also has the right to leave a marriage. She is one of the “least” here.
Jesus is further undermining the social order when he returns to children who like women were non beings at the time. Only men counted. But we are called to become like children, to be reborn. Even the disciples didn’t understand this and try to keep the children away. Jesus welcomes and blesses them.
Children throughout history have been hurt and dominated. They have had no power to react or space to be angry. They have therefore internalised the betrayal of their care givers and instead rationalised their experience or denied it. They repress the painful memories but later as an adult they discharge anger onto themselves and others. It is a cycle of oppression, depression and anger. It underlies much adulation of oppressive leaders. The break of the cycle must end with a change to the way children are treated. The child is the “least” who is brought centre stage-again. As followers of Jesus we are called to break the cycle and to bring those who are the least into the centre and to afford them love, kindness and status.
Who in our societies are treated as the least?
(with thanks to Ched Myers and Alice Miller)
“Lord from sorrows deep I call”
We pray for people and situations we are concerned about including, our country, our friends and families and those who are marginalised in our communities, the poor, the refugees and homeless. May we not fail you. Amen
The blessing of God be upon you
On those you love and those you meet
This day and forevermore. Amen
With thanks to the ©Iona Community adapted