God our creator who goes before us
You draw us forward in faith
Like a pillar of fire across desert wastes
A rock of assurance
As we journey
Speak to us with your words of comfort and wisdom.
Prayer of confession
God of love and forgiveness
Save us by your tenderness
From each deed that is destructive
From each act that grieves you
From each thought that is careless
From each idea that is unloving
From each word that hurts.
Help us to face up to your call on our lives, by creating love and
goodness, community, society where it has been broken. In Jesus Name, Amen.
The Lords Prayer in our own language
Psalm 69v1-3
Save me, God,
For the waters have threatened my life.
2 I have sunk in deep mud, and there is no foothold;
I have come into deep waters, and a flood overflows me.
3 I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched;
My eyes fail while I wait for my God.
Our prayers for our covid world for Myanmar, China, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Russia, US, UK, Ethiopia, Syria, Iran, our own country, climate change, doctors and nurses, carers, teachers, our family and friends and ourselves…
May God’s hand be upon us, your angels protect us and the Holy Spirit work in and around us. Amen
Song “I will wait for you”
Loving God help us to follow you
Into a place of quietness,
Where we may face beasts and wilderness
But we will know the presence of angels
Even in the desert times. Amen.
We will meet to study texts, following Jesus journey to the cross, on Sundays at 6.30pm (UK time). If you want to be part of this zoom service
email pat.nimmo@live.co.uk with your name and your home country. May God be with us all at this time.