We are called to be God people
To reconcile and make new
To live with respect for creation
To love and serve others
To seek justice and resist evil
To proclaim Jesus crucified and risen
Song “I the Lord of Sea and Sky”
Readings: Mark 9v2-9
The story of is a difficult one for us to identify with. It is other worldly.
In my experience it is rare to do more than catch a glimpse of God, a
whisper, a brush of angel's wings which transforms us. A man who came
to see me asking for prayer struck me with his certainty of the existence of God despite not being a regular churchgoer. He told me he had watched his cousin die and she had talked to him of what she had seen and this car assembly man had been convinced of the existence of God, and life after death, ever since. I said to him "You are lucky, most people dont have such an experience."
The Psalms are full of the search for God, "O Lord, why do you hide
your face from me?" Psalm 88, and always the encounter with
God comes after much heart searching.
Moses encountered God after 40 days of fasting and praying and his
face shone. And so it was given to those closest to Jesus that they should
encounter God, in this way.
Jesus has finally popped the question as to his identity and 8 days
after this the four of them went up a mountain to pray, because it was
difficult even then to pray in the middle of the city.
While Jesus was praying he was energised and became dazzling white. The symbolism reminds us of the white robes of the martyrs in the book of Revelation.
There are those who tell me that they can see auras around people
which tell you about them, their spiritual disposition their state
of health. I myself can't see auras but some painters would depict
people especially holy people with such auras (El Greco for example).
It is not impossible to believe that Christ received such an input of
divine energy that he shone.
The arrival of Moses and Elijah, sanctions Christ as the fulfilment of
the Law and the Prophets but if you or I had been present we may have
found it all terrifying or awe-ful.
In true Jewish fashion Peter wants to build a memorial or booths to
commemorate the event. But God shows that Christ alone is to be
worshipped. Peter uses the title, "Rabbi".
The whole experience is so terrifying the disciples don't speak about
it when they come down from the mountain. In fact they are pointed to
the experience of the cross, and suffering which is the traditional
lot of prophets.
It may be that some of us are lucky enough to have such a mountain
experience and it will show in our faces. What is certain is that it
will pass and we will once more be faced with the demands of the city.
This small group had gone away to pray. The practice of prayer does
not guarantee such an experience although strange things may happen to
us on the way to prayer. We may be transformed! And this may encourage
us in our journey.
Can you remember a time when you had a transforming experience that really changed you? Can you talk about it?
Light a candle to symbolize that no corner is too dark for God’s love to reach and one for someone you want to pray for.
Song “Beauty for brokenness”
The cross we will take it
The love we will give it
The blessing we will share it