Monday, 21 December 2020

Prayers December 21/22nd 2020,

From light comes life.

Deep in the earth, a seed begins to grow.

In our imagination, an idea takes root.

In a moment, love grows.

Safe in the womb, a baby turns.


Song “Hymn of Joy”


A candle is lit.


We light a candle for light, sending

prayers high into the inky heavens and

dreams deep into our human soul.


We light a candle for light. May it light our way.


The Lords Prayer in our own language


Reading Isaiah 25


  In that day they will say,

“Surely this is our God;
    we trusted in him, and he saved us.
This is the Lord, we trusted in him;
    let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”


Our prayers


We pray this Advent time, a time of waiting, for those people and situations we carry on our hearts… 

For peace throughout the world, a Covid world, where little children cannot sleep because of the sound of bombs falling, where people are imprisoned for protesting about the abuse of human rights, where temperatures soar because of climate change and forests burn, for the vulnerable in this Covid time and those sick and dying, for the homeless in their own country and those far from home, for asylum seekers and refugees the world over, and finally for our children and grandchildren who we must give a better future. In Jesus name we pray, Amen


Come Holy God

Give us your peace 

Send your Spirit

To heal and help us

So we can build a world

Of love and justice

And care for your earth. Amen


Pat Nimmo©Janet Morley adapted




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