Sunday, 17 May 2020

Evening Prayers May 17th 2020

We call on the clarity of God
To meet us in our confusion
We call on the mercy of God
To meet us in our brokenness
God in our meeting, God in our parting. 

Song “Forevermore”

We say the Lord’s Prayer in our own language

We call on the power of God
To meet us in our helplessness
God in our thinking
God in our speaking

Reading Acts 7v9-16
“Because the patriarchs were jealous of Joseph, they sold him as a slave into Egypt. But God was with him 10 and rescued him from all his troubles. He gave Joseph wisdom and enabled him to gain the goodwill of Pharaoh king of Egypt. So Pharaoh made him ruler over Egypt and all his palace.
11 “Then a famine struck all Egypt and Canaan, bringing great suffering, and our ancestors could not find food. 12 When Jacob heard that there was grain in Egypt, he sent our forefathers on their first visit. 13 On their second visit, Joseph told his brothers who he was, and Pharaoh learned about Joseph’s family. 14 After this, Joseph sent for his father Jacob and his whole family, seventy-five in all. 15 Then Jacob went down to Egypt, where he and our ancestors died. 16 Their bodies were brought back to Shechem and placed in the tomb that Abraham had bought from the sons of Hamor at Shechem for a certain sum of money.


We pray tonight for all those we know who need our help and prayers ….and the many others we carry in our hearts tonight. 

Spirit of the Living God present with us now enter their bodies, minds and spirits and heal them of all that harms them. Let your angels be beside them at this time. In Jesus Name we pray.  

Song Psalm 139

Closing Responses

Night has fallen
Gracious God
Guard our sleeping
Darkness now has come 
Gracious Jesus 
Guard our sleeping
Now we go to rest
Gracious Spirit 
Guard our sleeping. 

©Iona Community adapted



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