Sunday, 1 March 2015



Opening sentences

We meet together because
Jesus died for each one of us
And the Holy Spirit calls us to live lives right by God
We confess our difficulty in forgiving people who have wronged us
And we seek God’s help to forgive and put behind us injustice to free us to be healed, restored in ourselves, and in our relationships with others.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Reading: Matthew 5:43-45


Pebble! Take a pebble to represent the wrong that has been done to you.

For the wrongs we have experienced-A moment of quiet

Loving God, we have been subjected to
Abuse, unkindness and injustice
By words and actions directed at us.
These have affected us deeply
And we have found it difficult to forgive those who have wronged us.

We therefore ask for your help to take our pain and anger so we can heal and move on
Even though we may not be able to forgive the perpetrator/s
And they may not even have asked for forgiveness or expressed any remorse.

Loving Jesus, you were nailed to the tree.
It was your love that pleaded for your murderers and prayed, “Father, forgive them.”
Help us, Great God, to grasp something more of your love, to receive your forgiveness, and to learn to forgive others, as we have been forgiven In Jesus Name, Amen.

Reading: Luke 6:27-28 
For wrongs we have done to others- A moment of quiet

So also Loving God deliver us
From any hatred and unkindness.
Conscious or unconscious
From hardness of heart and bitterness
From violence, being abusive, being unjust and causing injury to others in word or deed.
From being passive and dishonest

Lord in your mercy
Forgive us
We have hurt each other deeply and tarnished your Name
And we ask for your forgiveness. In Jesus Name, Amen.

We place our pebble at the foot of the cross

So we come to  Gods work of healing in our bodies our minds and our souls

PRAYERS we say together

Loving God, you are the way of peace.
Come into the brokenness of our lives with your healing love. Help us to come to you in true sorrow and to accept one another in real forgiveness.
By the fire of your Holy Spirit, melt our hard hearts and consume what separates us.
Fill us with your love, which will bind us together.

Light candles

Song "Light of the world"

(Each person holds a lit candle).

Blessing of the Light

Loving God, you are the light of the world. Sanctify this light and let it light us within and give us healing and hope for the future. 

With this light cleanse us from the past
With this light burn down the walls of division among us.
With this light let us feel each other’s warmth and drive out the divisions of the past.
Renew a zeal in us to build a new community, a new future based on forgiveness.
We ask you to send your Holy Spirit upon us to enable this to happen. Amen


Prayers of Healing/Anointing with oil


Jesus you invite us
To journey with you
Whoever we are,

With what we bring 

Loaves and fishes

To sustain us on our way.

(C) Pat Nimmo

Adapted from the South African Council of Churches Liturgy of Reconciliation, Unity and Equality



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