Life has been very hard since late October when I got swine flu. There followed a few weeks of normality then my mum was rushed to hospital by police and ambulance having fallen and broken her hip. This was followed by hours... I mean hours on a trolley in a hospital with no food or drink. (She is 92, 4ft nothing, served as a landgirl, ARP warden during the blitz, civil servant in the cabinet office etc). Any way much ensued and she is still not well although she has survived the op.
Spending time fighting her corner while getting over emergency dental extraction was not good. So Xmas was difficult although we still managed to see 27 relatives even thou my eldest daughter and family had swine flu and will get their xmas presents next week.
Spent one night at a wonderful 10th century inn in Stow-to be recommended-magical.
So now we have snow! And life is at a standstill. Why cant we British cope with snow? Do Swiss schools close every time it snows?